We support the implementation of sustainability management, from strategy development and sustainability initiatives to reporting and ESG ratings.
More Details

Future orientated and sustainable

From Sustainable Development Goals to ESG strategies, we help you to align your company in a sustainable, credible and transparent.
Sustainable Development Goals
We identify with you which of the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals are best suited to your company and support you in implementing them in your day-to-day business.
The implementation of an ESG strategy is one of the tools for aligning your company sustainably. We identify your strengths in the areas of environmental, social and governance and build on them.
Future orientated and sustainable
From Sustainable Development Goals to ESG strategies, we help you to align your company in a sustainable, credible and transparent.
Contact us
COzwei GmbH

Our goal is to enable companies and institutions to operate more sustainably and achieve climate goals.

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COzwei GmbH
Gutenbergstraße 16A, 70176 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 12171034